Fight to make Domestic Skunks Legal in IL!
As many of you know, the domestic skunk has become a popular pet over
the years. Many of these animals are surplus from fur farms (flawed coats),
others are bred by small back yard breeders across the country. Domestic
skunks make fun, gentle and captivating pets. Join the fight to make domestic
skunks legal in the state of Illinois.View the video and then
please go to CONGRESS.ORG to tell your
lawmakers and the media ( will help you to do both) how you
feel about this anti pet skunk law.
In general, exotic pet laws are based off of ignorance and fear of what
people do not understand. The only way to protect our right to own domestic
skunks and actual exotic pets is to voice out and let our lawmakers and
the media know that we are not going to sit idle (which is what most of
us do) while misguided people and animal activist groups lobby for anti
exotic animal bans.
Please note, these are DOMESTICATED thus should not be classified as exotic
pets. Domestic does not mean tame, it means that man and full control
of the genetics of the species... which in this animal case, thanks to
the fur trade, we do.
Go to for full details
on how to help get this animal legal in IL